Vi är ett gäng galningar som har jobbat med en liten julklapp åt vår gemensamma idol.. eller vad man nu ska kalla honom. Mike Rosenberg, även känd som Passenger. Vi har kallat "julklappen" Scare Away the Dark, vilket är namnet på en av hans sånger. Vad vi har gjort är helt enkelt att vi tagit bilder av oss själva med ett ljus och skrivit en liten hälsning till Mike. Låter kanske lite fånigt, men why not liksom?! Eftersom Rana, our fearless leader, är frukstansvärt otålig, och antagligen har någon mystisk förmåga att förutspå saker, skickade vi en länk till Mike på facebook redan igår och önskade honom allt gott. Tydligen kom vår uppumtran i precis rätt tid, och vi fick ett långt tacktal. Orkar ni inte läse igenom allt han skriver så är det helt okej, jag ville bara spara det nånstans, så jag kan läsa det igen, närhelst jag vill.

Stockholm 25 juni 2013. Stockholm 31 oktober 2013.
Köpenhamn 3 november 2013.
guys , i'm sitting in my hotel room in wellington, new zealand and to be honest not feeling at my best .... pretty jet lagged and tired .... i just clicked on to the passenger page to see what was going on ..... wow .... this is whats going on . i haven't read all of the messages through in detail yet as i have to run in a minute ( will make sure i read each one later today when i have time )
but i'm completely blown away by this . i've talked a lot about how crazy this year has been and you will all have seen how rapidly this whole thing has grown in recent months . its very easy to get carried away by all of the craziness and at times lose sight of why i started doing this in the first place ..... the reason was and always has been to connect with people in what sometimes feels like a very disconnected world . to tell my stories and other peoples with honesty and empathy and to hopefully reach people where only music and lyrics can . for years this was happening on a very small scale as my gigs would generally be in the basement of a pub somewhere to people who happened to stumble across it . i never ever thought that my music would reach this many people . i was sure the only way of that happening was if i were to change or compromise my sound to "fit in" to the radio playlist box and that was never something that i wanted to do .
anyway , the fact that it has blown up in such a way has been mind-blowing . it is every musicians dream to be able to play the gigs that i've been playing recently and i'm loving it . but what is even more exciting to me is that there is this core group of fans .... i don't even want to say fans ... a core group of people that seem to understand every single lyric and directly feel every emotion that i have poured in to my songs . to receive messages like this doesn't just feed my ego (although my ego certainly appreciates it haha) but it actually gives me the energy and will to carry on ..... it reminds me of why i do this . all of the travelling , the hotels , the endless waiting at airports and in dressing rooms .... the less glamorous side of what i do that most people dont see or know about .... the side of it that is weird , tiring and unsettling .... your messages and continued support is the thing that makes all of it worth while . i'm not saying this to get brownie points or come across as a humble singer/songwriter .... its just the truth . so thank you , all of you for doing this .
rana , a special thank you for your beautiful words ... i know i dont get back to you all of the time but i really hope one day we can talk face to face as you seem like an amazing person .... although maybe no throat punches haha .....
anyway , i think i'm rambling ... maybe a simple thank you would have been enough but i wanted you all to know that this has generally blown me away ! all my love and thanks . mike xx